Last updated 6 years ago.

The Dark Legion

achievements 1920

Level 25 Alliance Guild, Silvermoon. 559 members

Gwador has joined The Dark Legion (~6 years ago)

Tyelthos has joined The Dark Legion (~6 years ago)

Pelojiann has joined The Dark Legion (~6 years ago)

Alneth has joined The Dark Legion (~6 years ago)

Jidøvøid has joined The Dark Legion (~6 years ago)

Démeter has joined The Dark Legion (~6 years ago)

Travisx has joined The Dark Legion (~6 years ago)

Chiyojo has joined The Dark Legion (~6 years ago)

Eriawyn has joined The Dark Legion (~6 years ago)

Yukíne has joined The Dark Legion (~6 years ago)

Sherela has joined The Dark Legion (~6 years ago)

Harathyr has joined The Dark Legion (~6 years ago)

Darkbomb has joined The Dark Legion (~6 years ago)

Eliniss has joined The Dark Legion (~6 years ago)

Giddsmonk has joined The Dark Legion (~6 years ago)

Nestarus has joined The Dark Legion (~6 years ago)

Fanatacism has joined The Dark Legion (~6 years ago)

Wildkoekje has joined The Dark Legion (~6 years ago)

Bashgirl has joined The Dark Legion (~6 years ago)

Réäper has joined The Dark Legion (~6 years ago)

Nálarian has joined The Dark Legion (~6 years ago)

Inánis has joined The Dark Legion (~6 years ago)

Fereeya has joined The Dark Legion (~6 years ago)

Kakosmia has joined The Dark Legion (~6 years ago)

Lilaran has joined The Dark Legion (~6 years ago)