Last updated 6 years ago.

The Dark Legion

achievements 1920

Level 25 Alliance Guild, Silvermoon. 559 members

Mutoidm has joined The Dark Legion (~6 years ago)

Equalizerlol has joined The Dark Legion (~6 years ago)

Fainthope has joined The Dark Legion (~6 years ago)

Ablissia has joined The Dark Legion (~6 years ago)

Fatarthas has joined The Dark Legion (~6 years ago)

Naharythe has joined The Dark Legion (~6 years ago)

Ballx has joined The Dark Legion (~6 years ago)

Kriekkijäbis has joined The Dark Legion (~6 years ago)

Themadzvexal has joined The Dark Legion (~6 years ago)

Èdgelord has joined The Dark Legion (~6 years ago)

Wetherwax has joined The Dark Legion (~6 years ago)

Fftgods has joined The Dark Legion (~6 years ago)

Animorfes has joined The Dark Legion (~6 years ago)

Plaguesion has joined The Dark Legion (~6 years ago)

Dhbrohood has joined The Dark Legion (~6 years ago)

Vertania has joined The Dark Legion (~6 years ago)

Mazirogo has joined The Dark Legion (~6 years ago)

Wintalte has joined The Dark Legion (~6 years ago)

Puf has joined The Dark Legion (~6 years ago)

Jórdàn has joined The Dark Legion (~6 years ago)

Tsang has joined The Dark Legion (~6 years ago)

Misbhv has joined The Dark Legion (~6 years ago)

Jowen has joined The Dark Legion (~6 years ago)

Davah has joined The Dark Legion (~6 years ago)

Freakyshow has joined The Dark Legion (~6 years ago)