Last updated 8 years ago.

Crusaders of the Council

achievements 890

Level 25 Horde Guild, Duskwood. 441 members

Meatsauce has joined Crusaders of the Council (~8 years ago)

Pvtfuzzy has joined Crusaders of the Council (~8 years ago)

Stargaze has joined Crusaders of the Council (~8 years ago)

ClegÄne has joined Crusaders of the Council (~8 years ago)

Badmedisin has joined Crusaders of the Council (~8 years ago)

Narcotics has joined Crusaders of the Council (~8 years ago)

Bloodlovee has joined Crusaders of the Council (~8 years ago)

Bloodlovee has joined Crusaders of the Council (~8 years ago)

Kauvin has joined Crusaders of the Council (~8 years ago)

Kauvin has joined Crusaders of the Council (~8 years ago)

Rahrutot has joined Crusaders of the Council (~8 years ago)

Grokz has joined Crusaders of the Council (~8 years ago)

Urnzarn has joined Crusaders of the Council (~8 years ago)

Harnoctum has joined Crusaders of the Council (~8 years ago)

Holystrife has joined Crusaders of the Council (~8 years ago)

Hairhunt has joined Crusaders of the Council (~8 years ago)

Soonjan has joined Crusaders of the Council (~8 years ago)

Deyedarra has joined Crusaders of the Council (~8 years ago)

Solento has joined Crusaders of the Council (~8 years ago)

Fedge has joined Crusaders of the Council (~8 years ago)

Nsty has joined Crusaders of the Council (~8 years ago)

Faleran has joined Crusaders of the Council (~8 years ago)

Sandbam has joined Crusaders of the Council (~8 years ago)

Palomine has joined Crusaders of the Council (~8 years ago)

Enniera has joined Crusaders of the Council (~8 years ago)