Last updated 8 years ago.

Crusaders of the Council

achievements 890

Level 25 Horde Guild, Duskwood. 441 members

Valdrysong has joined Crusaders of the Council (~8 years ago)

Blackwoolf has joined Crusaders of the Council (~8 years ago)

Orhaith has joined Crusaders of the Council (~8 years ago)

Raptorclaws has joined Crusaders of the Council (~8 years ago)

Gaeaa has joined Crusaders of the Council (~8 years ago)

Huntawh has joined Crusaders of the Council (~8 years ago)

Warmageddon has joined Crusaders of the Council (~8 years ago)

Divadmagnal has joined Crusaders of the Council (~8 years ago)

Sweepeä has joined Crusaders of the Council (~8 years ago)

Moobringer has joined Crusaders of the Council (~8 years ago)

Puffalump has joined Crusaders of the Council (~8 years ago)

Thesal has joined Crusaders of the Council (~8 years ago)

Priesttnasty has joined Crusaders of the Council (~8 years ago)

Suzukie has joined Crusaders of the Council (~8 years ago)

Bulltrue has joined Crusaders of the Council (~8 years ago)

Diablocodie has joined Crusaders of the Council (~8 years ago)

Thugrin has joined Crusaders of the Council (~8 years ago)

Molldyer has joined Crusaders of the Council (~8 years ago)

Mofoka has joined Crusaders of the Council (~8 years ago)

Taneda has joined Crusaders of the Council (~8 years ago)

Neshir has joined Crusaders of the Council (~8 years ago)

Shambilaya has joined Crusaders of the Council (~8 years ago)

Ambermay has joined Crusaders of the Council (~8 years ago)

Zappedpea has joined Crusaders of the Council (~8 years ago)

Ceez has joined Crusaders of the Council (~8 years ago)