Last updated 8 years ago.

Crusaders of the Council

achievements 890

Level 25 Horde Guild, Duskwood. 441 members

Páramo has joined Crusaders of the Council (~8 years ago)

Baldilox has joined Crusaders of the Council (~8 years ago)

Kiramor has joined Crusaders of the Council (~8 years ago)

Centerblock has joined Crusaders of the Council (~8 years ago)

Räveñ has joined Crusaders of the Council (~8 years ago)

Totschelm has joined Crusaders of the Council (~8 years ago)

Htansu has joined Crusaders of the Council (~8 years ago)

Nysonara has joined Crusaders of the Council (~8 years ago)

Batty has joined Crusaders of the Council (~8 years ago)

Ziggzag has joined Crusaders of the Council (~8 years ago)

Sarlak has joined Crusaders of the Council (~8 years ago)

Sedge has joined Crusaders of the Council (~8 years ago)

Bigjugernaut has joined Crusaders of the Council (~8 years ago)

Ihav has joined Crusaders of the Council (~8 years ago)

Moonquake has joined Crusaders of the Council (~8 years ago)

Aelenas has joined Crusaders of the Council (~8 years ago)

Zarnax has joined Crusaders of the Council (~8 years ago)

Nightsmash has joined Crusaders of the Council (~8 years ago)

Ipsifu has joined Crusaders of the Council (~8 years ago)

Zonkzy has joined Crusaders of the Council (~8 years ago)

Ogroz has joined Crusaders of the Council (~8 years ago)

Vyndil has joined Crusaders of the Council (~8 years ago)

Renybreky has joined Crusaders of the Council (~8 years ago)

Yawnz has joined Crusaders of the Council (~8 years ago)

Activis has joined Crusaders of the Council (~8 years ago)