Last updated 8 years ago.

Crusaders of the Council

achievements 890

Level 25 Horde Guild, Duskwood. 441 members

Grokox has left Crusaders of the Council (~5 years ago)

Sgtwheezy has left Crusaders of the Council (~5 years ago)

Sarlak has left Crusaders of the Council (~5 years ago)

Narkotics has joined Crusaders of the Council (~8 years ago)

Tyrral has joined Crusaders of the Council (~8 years ago)

Jarviskase has joined Crusaders of the Council (~8 years ago)

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Kazumayagami has joined Crusaders of the Council (~8 years ago)

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Flart has joined Crusaders of the Council (~8 years ago)

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Baradin has joined Crusaders of the Council (~8 years ago)

Wrathling has joined Crusaders of the Council (~8 years ago)

Sukmydagr has joined Crusaders of the Council (~8 years ago)

Narkotixs has joined Crusaders of the Council (~8 years ago)

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Moistel has joined Crusaders of the Council (~8 years ago)

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Akusell has joined Crusaders of the Council (~8 years ago)

Calidorei has joined Crusaders of the Council (~8 years ago)

Oddtoddler has joined Crusaders of the Council (~8 years ago)