Level 25 Horde Guild, Goldrinn. 22 members
Chinfrin has left The Path of Darkness (~5 years ago)
Wøød has left The Path of Darkness (~5 years ago)
Mogrus has left The Path of Darkness (~5 years ago)
Legolasgreen has left The Path of Darkness (~5 years ago)
Mautine has left The Path of Darkness (~5 years ago)
Thyun has left The Path of Darkness (~5 years ago)
Cosmicsea has left The Path of Darkness (~5 years ago)
Troopius has left The Path of Darkness (~5 years ago)
Taudruw has left The Path of Darkness (~5 years ago)
Severosnappe has left The Path of Darkness (~5 years ago)
Alduur has left The Path of Darkness (~5 years ago)
Feetal has left The Path of Darkness (~5 years ago)
Hellspanda has left The Path of Darkness (~5 years ago)
Harinakisí has left The Path of Darkness (~5 years ago)
Shyranui has left The Path of Darkness (~5 years ago)
Shadøwgirl has left The Path of Darkness (~5 years ago)
Davidoido has left The Path of Darkness (~5 years ago)
Pandástica has left The Path of Darkness (~5 years ago)
Chinataw has left The Path of Darkness (~5 years ago)
Niiki has left The Path of Darkness (~5 years ago)
Minatosensei has left The Path of Darkness (~5 years ago)
Arahan has left The Path of Darkness (~5 years ago)
Wapy has left The Path of Darkness (~5 years ago)
Synet has left The Path of Darkness (~5 years ago)
Kabier has left The Path of Darkness (~5 years ago)