Level 25 Horde Guild, Goldrinn. 22 members
Caller has left The Path of Darkness (~5 years ago)
Aradhän has left The Path of Darkness (~5 years ago)
Aurilius has left The Path of Darkness (~5 years ago)
Kittymurder has left The Path of Darkness (~5 years ago)
Stacie has left The Path of Darkness (~5 years ago)
Bhoriz has left The Path of Darkness (~5 years ago)
Herpetes has left The Path of Darkness (~5 years ago)
Sangrentaa has left The Path of Darkness (~5 years ago)
Taerë has left The Path of Darkness (~5 years ago)
Miagii has left The Path of Darkness (~5 years ago)
Magnykai has left The Path of Darkness (~5 years ago)
Shadøwlady has left The Path of Darkness (~5 years ago)
Tylladron has left The Path of Darkness (~5 years ago)
Ilidane has left The Path of Darkness (~5 years ago)
Leolokotop has left The Path of Darkness (~5 years ago)
Ørcßøy has left The Path of Darkness (~5 years ago)
Natsukun has left The Path of Darkness (~5 years ago)
Lakki has left The Path of Darkness (~5 years ago)
Zangief has left The Path of Darkness (~5 years ago)
Throucherous has left The Path of Darkness (~5 years ago)
Jumentudo has left The Path of Darkness (~5 years ago)
Anbar has left The Path of Darkness (~5 years ago)
Bloodrevange has left The Path of Darkness (~5 years ago)
Johnlennon has left The Path of Darkness (~5 years ago)
Hikus has left The Path of Darkness (~5 years ago)