Last updated 8 years ago.

The Unholy Legion

achievements 2615

Level 25 Horde Guild, Dragonmaw. 519 members

Loktark has joined The Unholy Legion (~7 years ago)

Konigin has joined The Unholy Legion (~8 years ago)

Xenzadar has joined The Unholy Legion (~8 years ago)

Druath has joined The Unholy Legion (~8 years ago)

Wildscent has joined The Unholy Legion (~8 years ago)

Diekonigin has joined The Unholy Legion (~8 years ago)

Roshni has joined The Unholy Legion (~8 years ago)

Tekklon has joined The Unholy Legion (~8 years ago)

Nikolk has joined The Unholy Legion (~8 years ago)

Kkrunkk has joined The Unholy Legion (~8 years ago)

Screwnutbolt has joined The Unholy Legion (~8 years ago)

Munchiecakes has joined The Unholy Legion (~8 years ago)

Trigg has been demoted from rank 7 to rank 8 (~8 years ago)

Diladoo has joined The Unholy Legion (~8 years ago)

Lantaa has joined The Unholy Legion (~8 years ago)

Felinerogue has joined The Unholy Legion (~8 years ago)

Cmilly has joined The Unholy Legion (~8 years ago)

Shootuh has been demoted from rank 7 to rank 8 (~8 years ago)

Tentacley has joined The Unholy Legion (~8 years ago)

Piggybackme has been promoted from rank 8 to rank 6 (~8 years ago)

Twopumpchump has joined The Unholy Legion (~8 years ago)

Marlisia has joined The Unholy Legion (~8 years ago)

Worksoflight has joined The Unholy Legion (~8 years ago)

Postman has joined The Unholy Legion (~8 years ago)

Graspy has left The Unholy Legion (~8 years ago)