Last updated 8 years ago.

The Unholy Legion

achievements 2615

Level 25 Horde Guild, Dragonmaw. 519 members

Totemsigma has been demoted from rank 7 to rank 8 (~8 years ago)

Duxa has been demoted from rank 6 to rank 7 (~8 years ago)

Daihal has joined The Unholy Legion (~8 years ago)

Grumble has joined The Unholy Legion (~8 years ago)

Sceptar has joined The Unholy Legion (~8 years ago)

Steakface has been demoted from rank 7 to rank 8 (~8 years ago)

Pritanis has been demoted from rank 7 to rank 8 (~8 years ago)

Oea has been demoted from rank 7 to rank 8 (~8 years ago)

Necatrix has been demoted from rank 6 to rank 7 (~8 years ago)

Misspuscifer has been demoted from rank 7 to rank 8 (~8 years ago)

Ivree has been demoted from rank 7 to rank 8 (~8 years ago)

Neverz has joined The Unholy Legion (~8 years ago)

Rive has been demoted from rank 7 to rank 8 (~8 years ago)

Tallari has been demoted from rank 6 to rank 7 (~8 years ago)

Mysfyt has been demoted from rank 7 to rank 8 (~8 years ago)

Durzoh has been demoted from rank 6 to rank 7 (~8 years ago)

Meowskies has been demoted from rank 7 to rank 8 (~8 years ago)

Shimley has been demoted from rank 6 to rank 7 (~8 years ago)

Locksigma has been demoted from rank 7 to rank 8 (~8 years ago)

Submissives has joined The Unholy Legion (~8 years ago)

Deadalone has joined The Unholy Legion (~8 years ago)

Wowiea has been demoted from rank 7 to rank 8 (~8 years ago)

Tricktwogee has been demoted from rank 7 to rank 8 (~8 years ago)

Lightshifts has been demoted from rank 7 to rank 8 (~8 years ago)

SurĂ  has been demoted from rank 4 to rank 5 (~8 years ago)