Last updated 8 years ago.

The Unholy Legion

achievements 2615

Level 25 Horde Guild, Dragonmaw. 519 members

Jessejr has left The Unholy Legion (~8 years ago)

Demonikdream has left The Unholy Legion (~8 years ago)

Lightrunes has left The Unholy Legion (~8 years ago)

Milkncòòkies has left The Unholy Legion (~8 years ago)

Schmidt has left The Unholy Legion (~8 years ago)

Geekette has left The Unholy Legion (~8 years ago)

Gulrund has left The Unholy Legion (~8 years ago)

Arwaz has left The Unholy Legion (~8 years ago)

Peels has left The Unholy Legion (~8 years ago)

Toat has left The Unholy Legion (~8 years ago)

Accele has left The Unholy Legion (~8 years ago)

Alkazaaro has joined The Unholy Legion (~8 years ago)

Shobi has joined The Unholy Legion (~8 years ago)

Cleavis has joined The Unholy Legion (~8 years ago)

Galdori has joined The Unholy Legion (~8 years ago)

Pootyytang has joined The Unholy Legion (~8 years ago)

Aessel has joined The Unholy Legion (~8 years ago)

Kakashisense has joined The Unholy Legion (~8 years ago)

Persian has joined The Unholy Legion (~8 years ago)

Mappy has joined The Unholy Legion (~8 years ago)

Sessh has left The Unholy Legion (~8 years ago)

Arralius has been demoted from rank 6 to rank 7 (~8 years ago)

Stnmn has joined The Unholy Legion (~8 years ago)

Densel has been demoted from rank 7 to rank 8 (~8 years ago)

Lightspally has been demoted from rank 7 to rank 8 (~8 years ago)